Five Signs You Are In Need Of An Interior Designer


1. You Lack The Necessary Time

Don’t we all wish we had all the time in the world? Most of us live crazy lives; we get that. That’s why we are here! It’s hard to balance work, family, a social life, and the countless other things going on in life.

This leads us to the first sign - You lack the necessary time it takes to reflect your dream home properly.

You don’t have time to review plans, choose cabinets, countertops, and the other endless pieces to make your home. Interior design is a full-time job; take a load off your shoulder by hiring professionals.

As interior designers, we are trained professionals to make your design experience flawless, bringing your design dream to life and saving you time and stress. For example, are you working on home improvements or an extensive building project? Contact a designer early to have them by your side from day one.

2. You Don’t Know What You Want, Or Feel Overwhelmed

Humans are stimulated by thousands and thousands of things each day. A large portion of those things is a result of interior design! The coffee shop, social media, television, your office, TV shows - interior design is secretly encompassed in all aspects of our lives. But is this a good thing or bad?

Sign Two: You don’t know what you want or feel overwhelmed.

As this variety of interior design can serve as an inspiration to some, an equal amount of others experience it as a curse. Some may think of so many ideas that they aren’t sure what they want. Your head may be so filled with different colors, styles, materials, and rooms that you aren’t even sure where to start. That’s where an interior designer can be of help.

At Innermost Design, we’ll take a step back and help you get back to the basics. How big is the room we are working with? What colors do you prefer? What type of look are we going for? Step by step, we will create the dream room you were thinking of all along.

3. You’ve Found Your Forever Home

You found the perfect home, now let’s double down with the ideal design. Buying a new home can be very stressful by itself; you should not have to add even more stress with managing design. An interior designer will help you stay focused on the priorities that work within your budget and make this new home just right for you and your family.

Kids out of the home? Save the teary tissues; now, you may have more bedrooms in this forever home than you initially needed. But let’s utilize them! An interior designer can turn that college boy’s bedroom into a comfortable bedroom for guests.

4. Your Home Seems Outdated Or Ready For An Upgrade

Still have furniture in your living room from 10 years ago? Still have that hand-me-down piece from when you were first married? Time for an upgrade!

Don’t get us wrong; certain pieces are worthy of being around for years to come. But those aren’t the pieces we are talking about. We are talking about the furniture you bought in a hurry, furniture you don’t necessarily like anymore, furniture that needs to go. Most are aware of this furniture, but back to sign one; you don’t have enough time to replace it. Tagging into step two, maybe you don’t know what to do with it. Do I want to get rid of it? Do I keep it? This is where an interior designer can be of help, working with you to create a design plan that brings your room back to life.

Meet Interior Designer Hannah Kizer - She’s happy to help. Contact her today!

Does your kitchen or bathroom seem outdated? Retro doesn’t literally mean your appliances are still from the 80s. If you can’t remember the last time you’ve updated these high traffic rooms, it’s time for an upgrade!

Certified Kitchen & Bath Designer Lisa. Contact her today!

Lighting Design, Connie. Contact her today!

5. Design Isn’t Your “Thing”

Not everyone is a designer! Frankly, most are not! Maybe you’re the person that is constantly inspired by the designs you see around you but can never decide which design you like best or what color scheme would look best with what furniture. This is why we are here!

If you have the thoughts but can’t put them to paper, our designers will work with you to understand your design. If you are the type that simply does not even know where to start, we will work to understand your lifestyle, your home, your goals for the project and work together to find which style suits you best! We are here to help! Contact Innermost Designs at (308) 251-6181 or through our contact form!

If you recognize any of the five signs mentioned above, it may be time to hire a professional interior designer for your project! The signs are endless, if you’re hesitant, schedule a free consultation meeting with us! If you have any questions about our process or are interested in working together - please contact us!


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